
The Moth Effect

Lunesta, the prescription sleeping pill from Sepracor Inc, asks you to "take the 7 day challenge" on their website.
Hmmm . . . is that like, "We challenge you to not get addicted in 7 days!"
Sure, Lunesta has "been approved for long-term use" - they splash that on almost every page of their site - but in teeny tiny print, on a page that is only to be accessed by physicians, they say Lunesta is a sedative hypnotic and produces withrawal signs and symptoms following discontinuation.
I'm going out on a limb here . . . but I think that's Doc speak for "they are addictive".
So, yeah! Those 7 free pills are probably the perfect amount to get you hooked.
And they need you to get hooked because they have spent $161.9 million in advertising in 2006 alone. See! You weren't hallucinating . . . there really are little green moths fluttering about everywhere you look. (You don't start hallucinating until you take the 7 day challenge!)

Feeling blue? Pop a pill.
Need an erection? Pop a pill.
Are you fat? Pop a pill.
Can't sleep? Pop a pill.

A healthy life requires balance, and as the pace and pressures of modern life become more hectic, and as all the pill popping increasingly disconnects you from the rhythms of nature, achieving this balance becomes more difficult.

But why not take a 7 day challenge to live life more balanced, more healthy, more happy?! The world will be a better place for it!


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