
The Glo to Sleep Website: An Evolution

Thank heavens we have an in-house web designer! Between our abundance of creativity and our incessant need to have everything perfect - we can't stop improving on the website.
Tim has become a self-taught web guy - learning Dreamweaver, Flash, Illustrator, Photoshop and more. So, when we come up with an idea for a website change and put him on task, he exceeds our expectations every time.
We learned, very quickly, that our website would always be evolving and we are comfortable with the fact that we always see room for improvement, no matter how hard we have worked on a page.

I'm very excited that today is (finally!) the day that we'll be uploading our new "how it works" page. We've put so much effort into this page so we could better address the 'wants' of our web visitors. Every conversation with our customers (and potential customers) becomes a lesson, for us, on how we can improve to make a visit to our site more interesting and more informative.

While we all love the look of a clean and minimal website, there is just so much that needs to be said about the Glo to Sleep. So, we have to create something informative while still keeping it tight. It's a fine line, believe me!

Visitors to our site really seem to love to read the stories from our Glo to Sleep users (or as we affectionately call them . . . our Glo to Sleepyheads!). So, we decided to incorporate more of their quotes on more pages and I like the way it turned out. With their pictures and their own words, it is our goal to 'keep it real'! I'm sure there will always be people that are skeptical of the authenticity of our Glo to Sleepyheads, but we feel really confident that we have done what we can to establish that these are indeed real people being honest about how the Glo to Sleep has helped them. We love adding new Glo to Sleepyheads so we are excited to say that we will be adding FOUR new ones in the next week. (The great stories just keep coming . . . the most rewarding part of our job!)

Enjoy the added info on our site and the new look of "how".

Have a great sleep!


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