

As I continue to educate myself on marketing, looking for the best ways to increase our presence online, I have discovered some really great sites and they have quickly become my favourite haunts.

One of my most visited sites these days is psfk.com - a resource of consumer and marketing trends (I'd love to see the Glo to Sleep featured here someday!). From the psfk team is a new site call Marktd. This is a marketing website where marketers can submit stories and links of interest and then the community 'votes' on these stories. Much like Digg . . . but better.
So, after visiting marktd.com day after day, I thought, "Hey! Why not submit a story about the Glo to Sleep?!" So, I did. And as of this moment, we have received 15 'marks' and we are sitting on the "Top Marktd Stories" page. This has generated quite a bit of traffic to the website and most people are taking their time to read more than just the submitted press release - weaving their way around the website. Our marketing peers taking a moment to read our website and then give us a mark on Marktd - very rewarding! This experience is really energizing me.

Some more of my 'new' haunts:
www.sethgodin.com (LOVE his blog!!)
and more

It's such a big world - I love it!

Have a great sleep!


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