
Work Hard, Sleep Hard

Companies are apparently aware that if their employees aren't well-rested, they are less productive. And according to an article by Stephanie Armour for USA Today, some companies are addressing the issue of fatigue. One company offers their employees free Starbucks and Red Bull. (That would be so scary for me . . . I talk about 100 miles an hour after a venti non-fat vanilla latte! And it's like a nasty amusement park ride when I come down from it!) Other companies are offering "nap times". The article says that "employers understand that sleep is a huge part of living life in a healthy fashion and employers are putting more programs into place."

Well, the research into this problem can end right here, people. You need to buy your employees a Glo to Sleep.

All those busy executives flying back and forth, across the country, or the world . . . imagine how their productivity would increase if they could easily fall asleep everytime they were in the air.

Or what about doctors, nurses, firefighters, police officers? They have crazy schedules! Shiftwork makes it especially hard to drift into la-la land. But our shiftworking customers (including nu
rses, firemen, and cops) have told us how much the Glo to Sleep has helped them sleep more and sleep better. The Calgary Herald recently reported that the Calgary police department has launched an internal sleep study so they can institute formal policies to deal with sleep-deprived officers. I have a policy for them: a standard issue Glo to Sleep. Get a gun, badge, uniform and a Glo to Sleep.

Same with the military. Standard issue. Imag
ine how hard it is to sleep in the middle of Afghanistan? But with a Glo to Sleep . . . no problem. (And I'm not just saying that . . . we've had parents buy them for their sons stationed in Iraq and the feedback has been great!)

We have even sold a Glo to Sleep to a "working girl". Yep, that's right. But, hey! They need their sleep too to be productive. And like I said, it's hard to sleep during the day.

Everyone needs a Glo to Sleep. (And wouldn't it be nice if your employer got one for you?!)

We shall not rest until everyone has a Glo to Sleep!
Well . . . we will rest . . .
because we need our sleep to be productive . . . so . . .
we shall work hard, and sleep hard, until everyone has a Glo to Sleep!!


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