
Squidoo: Lens of the Day
Squidoo is the brainchild of marketing genius, Seth Godin. It's a cool site where people are encouraged to create a "lens" on a subject they love and know alot about. Squidoo is relatively new (like us!) and I was keen to create a Glo to Sleep lens. Every weekday, the staff at Squidoo chooses a "lens of the day" - in their own words, they select a lens that "stands out in the crowd - a lens that is unique in topic, approach and personality".
After returning home from a short holiday, I was so excited to see that we had been chosen as Lens of the Day!
With confidence, I have been telling Tim and Jamie that "someday" we would be Lens of the Day. I have to admit, I thought it would take a bit longer, but I couldn't be more thrilled that our story has stood out amongst thousands of lenses.
Thanks, Squidoo! This is a great honour for us!


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