
Back to School

One week left of summer holidays, and then it is back to school. (Mothers everywhere rejoice!) Back to school means back to making lunches, back to helping with homework, and back to a bedtime schedule.

As happens every summer, my kids (who are naturally little night owls) pushed their bedtime a little later and a little later with each passing week. I cannot say that I discouraged it. Truth is, I am a night owl as well, which means that I am not a morning person . . . so the late bed times suited me fine because that meant everybody would sleep in. And I have enjoyed every morning all summer - no alarm going off and the kids sleeping peacefully when I finally crawled out of bed.

But soon, there will be hell to pay.

Yes, next week, when I have to fight with the kids to get them to bed long before they have been accustomed, and then fight to get them up in the morning . . . pure hell. Oh sure, the first couple of days, it isn't bad. They're excited! New teachers, back with their friends, new clothes to wear . . . but it wears off fast. Then I am faced with trying to drag their grumpy butts out of bed. And speaking of grumpy . . . when the excitement begins to wear off and their abbreviated sleep time starts taking its toll . . . they are g.r.u.m.p.y.

In a release today on Medical News Today, they give some tips for healthy back-to-school sleep habits for children and teens and I think they are all really important. While we slack off the rules a bit in the summer, regular bedtimes during the school year are essential to a child's happiness and success at school.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends these basic daily sleep requirements:
Preschoolers: 11-13 hours
Elementary School Students: 10-12 hours
Pre-teens: 9-11 hours
Teens: 8.5-9 hours

And kids aren't any different than adults . . . they worry too. Upcoming assignments, exams, or friend troubles at school can keep kids from falling asleep. Our kids have all used the Glo to Sleep, on occasions when worrying was keeping them awake, so we were really pleased last month when Calgary's Child Magazine featured the Glo to Sleep in a "What's New" column, because the Glo to Sleep is such a great tool for kids too. Thanks to the mention, we've equipped quite a few kids with the key to a quick transition from awake to asleep. (Now, that's good back to school gear!)

Here's to hoping I survive next week!


Work Hard, Sleep Hard

Companies are apparently aware that if their employees aren't well-rested, they are less productive. And according to an article by Stephanie Armour for USA Today, some companies are addressing the issue of fatigue. One company offers their employees free Starbucks and Red Bull. (That would be so scary for me . . . I talk about 100 miles an hour after a venti non-fat vanilla latte! And it's like a nasty amusement park ride when I come down from it!) Other companies are offering "nap times". The article says that "employers understand that sleep is a huge part of living life in a healthy fashion and employers are putting more programs into place."

Well, the research into this problem can end right here, people. You need to buy your employees a Glo to Sleep.

All those busy executives flying back and forth, across the country, or the world . . . imagine how their productivity would increase if they could easily fall asleep everytime they were in the air.

Or what about doctors, nurses, firefighters, police officers? They have crazy schedules! Shiftwork makes it especially hard to drift into la-la land. But our shiftworking customers (including nu
rses, firemen, and cops) have told us how much the Glo to Sleep has helped them sleep more and sleep better. The Calgary Herald recently reported that the Calgary police department has launched an internal sleep study so they can institute formal policies to deal with sleep-deprived officers. I have a policy for them: a standard issue Glo to Sleep. Get a gun, badge, uniform and a Glo to Sleep.

Same with the military. Standard issue. Imag
ine how hard it is to sleep in the middle of Afghanistan? But with a Glo to Sleep . . . no problem. (And I'm not just saying that . . . we've had parents buy them for their sons stationed in Iraq and the feedback has been great!)

We have even sold a Glo to Sleep to a "working girl". Yep, that's right. But, hey! They need their sleep too to be productive. And like I said, it's hard to sleep during the day.

Everyone needs a Glo to Sleep. (And wouldn't it be nice if your employer got one for you?!)

We shall not rest until everyone has a Glo to Sleep!
Well . . . we will rest . . .
because we need our sleep to be productive . . . so . . .
we shall work hard, and sleep hard, until everyone has a Glo to Sleep!!


Squidoo: Lens of the Day
Squidoo is the brainchild of marketing genius, Seth Godin. It's a cool site where people are encouraged to create a "lens" on a subject they love and know alot about. Squidoo is relatively new (like us!) and I was keen to create a Glo to Sleep lens. Every weekday, the staff at Squidoo chooses a "lens of the day" - in their own words, they select a lens that "stands out in the crowd - a lens that is unique in topic, approach and personality".
After returning home from a short holiday, I was so excited to see that we had been chosen as Lens of the Day!
With confidence, I have been telling Tim and Jamie that "someday" we would be Lens of the Day. I have to admit, I thought it would take a bit longer, but I couldn't be more thrilled that our story has stood out amongst thousands of lenses.
Thanks, Squidoo! This is a great honour for us!